Intro to the Purposeful Papa

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28, ESV).

According to, the word Abba is an "Aramaic word for father used by Jesus and Paul to address God in a relation of personal intimacy." Now, take the word, papa. What thoughts come to mind when you consider that word? Does it sound like only children should use it? Perhaps children that are calling out to their daddy or father?

Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3-4, ESV).

It may be interesting to consider God as our "daddy" or "papa" but aren't we all His children? Now, I am not going to sit here and pretend that all of us have perfect relationships with our earthly fathers. And some of us may not even have (or have had) a relationship with our dad at all. But deep down within ourselves, as sons, don't we all yearn for one? 

Know this, brothers: we all have a Father in Heaven...our perfect Spiritual Father. But, only if we allow our hearts to choose Him.

As I sit here typing, I can't even come up with some catchy tagline, slogan, or mission statement with regard to The Purposeful Papa. I don't think it really needs one. But, what I can come up with is this: I have had such a strong pull over the last year or so...and this pull has led me to the discernment of God's Will in a particular area. And that is the discipleship of men. I want to band together and lift each other up...striving, every day, to figure out what it means to follow Jesus. And then, apply His principles to our lives.

The Purposeful Papa is not intended to be a one-man show--as a matter of fact, it cannot be a one-man show. I need you guys. And this is something that I had failed at pursuing many times in my life until I realized that God designed us this way--to build each other up, lean on each other, refresh each other in the faith, and hold each other accountable. We don't need to - and shouldn't - figure it all out on our own. 

I know we are all super-busy guys--I get it 100%. Because of that, I will do my best to keep blog posts, and any other media, to less than 10 minutes. It is my hope that we can start generating some honest, transparent, and real talk among us.

All for His Honor and Glory,


P.S. I invite you to consider joining our closed Facebook Group, where we can be vulnerable, ask questions, share stories, and dig into some of our deeper issues with regard to being men of God.


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